Throughout my time in quarantine, I had a lot of time to reflect on myself and discover new things that I feel passionate about. One major thing in my life that I was not happy with was my health and fitness habits. I started off by doing the Chloe Ting 2 week fitness challenge. I saw so many other people on social media trying this and seeing major results. This challenge sparked my interest in working out and wanting to become a much more fit person. The hardest transition for me was transitioning into healthy eating. This sparked the idea of starting my own food blog. I created my account @healthwithashley after a long time debating if this was something I wanted to keep doing.
Starting my very own food blog was a way for me to document and track my progress. I want to be able to hold myself accountable for my goals. This blog gives me a platform to express my feelings, recipes, and eating habits. I felt that by being able to start this for myself I was able to find a community that supports me and has the same goals as me. There are so many other accounts that are going through the same process and transition into a healthy lifestyle just like me. I was also not aware of how many people actually had accounts like this and were making their goals a reality while holding themselves accountable Through this health blog I have also gained a following that is there for me to watch my progress but also learn from me along the way to help them in the future. I started this blog in the middle of July much longer after I started this journey in May. This account has made me so happy that I found something I was able to grow and be better with. Through this process I have learned that If you set something to your mind you need to hold yourself accountable to make sure you accomplish your goals and get what you want done.
I encourage everyone reading this to set goals for themselves. If you want to make a better version of yourself it is up to you to do that. To be able to make your goals a reality it will always be about being a better you. 2020 was not the year anyone expected it to be. This year was a year to make yourself better. This time to yourself was for yourself and a time to work on yourself. I think everyone should have this mindset and make sure that you work on yourself for the future and best version of you. No matter what this relates to whether it be health, fitness, school, mental health. It is important to put yourself first. That is the major idea I took away from quarantine. I am grateful for this time that I was able to realize this after a long time of not being able to put myself first.